Fun with Books
With the dawn of a new year comes the opportunity for fresh outlooks and clean starts. What better place to start than your own... bookshelves? Maybe the thought of having to dust or reorganize those cluttered old shelves becomes a little more swallowable when you do it this way... Check out the following stop-motion video created by Sean and Lisa Ohlenkamp:
It's now 2012, a futurific date if ever there was one, and we're facing some interesting and terrifiying stuff in the world. Perhaps MOST interesting and terrifying is the thought that the printed word may soon be obsolete. I don't begrudge people for liking the convenience of eBooks, I just hope they don't bring about the end of real, honest-to-goodness books. I think the Ohlenkamps share my sentiments...
This is a beautiful example of the symbiotic relationship books and technology can have.
And, to be fair, I first saw these YouTube videos on my iPad...