Knox Robinson Publishing Announces New Partnership with Midpoint Trade Books
Founded in 2010 as a small, independent publishing house, Knox Robinson Publishing has rapidly evolved into an international publisher of exemplary historical fiction, historical romance and young adult and general fantasy with a growing roster of respected authors and an ever-expanding library of published works. Of course, with growth comes change.
The company is pleased to announce they've recently exited their distribution agreement with Bookmasters to form a new partnership with Midpoint Trade Books, a full service sales and distribution company. Founded in 1996 and based in New York City, Midpoint Trade Books represents 225 independent publishers across the US, UK, Canada and Australia. The company will begin distributing Knox Robinson's print and digital works in the U.S. and Canada effective immediately.
Pleased with the direction in which Knox Robinson Publishing is headed, Dana Celeste Robinson—founder and managing director—now has time to devote to additional passions. Robinson recently completed a PhD in Medieval History from the University of London, and she has accepted an adjunct professor of history position at The Citadel this fall. Robinson teaches a course entitled 'The History of Western Civilization to 1650' to upwards of ninety students.
Robinson expects to return to publishing full-time in 2014 when Knox Robinson changes its publishing schedule from two to three new titles every quarter to two to three new titles each month.
Over the past year, Knox Robinson has increased its list of authors from fifteen to thirty-six, including professors of history, art and English, and authors based in India, Japan and China. Knox Robinson currently has thirty books in print and is expected to release twenty-three new titles in 2014.