For women who want to maintain breast health or for women diagnosed with breast cancer.
Foods, exercises, and attitudes to keep your breasts healthy. Supportive complimentary medicines to ease side-effects of surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or tamoxifen. Foreword by Christiane Northrup, M.D.
"The perfect antidote to fear." Carolyn DeMarco, M.D.
More than 100,000 copies of this ground-breaking book are currently in print. It is used by breast cancer support groups and hospital-based oncologists in USA, Germany, New Zealand, and Canada. Why? because it offers the best of modern medicine plus level-headed information on the most effective alternative and complementary treatments for breast (and prostate) cancers.
Breast Cancer? Breast Health! is for every woman interested in taking breast health into her own hands. The first third offers easy lifestyle changes, simple herbal additions, and tasty food recommendations to reduce risk and improve immune functioning. The second third helps those with possible cancer -- what to do before you call the doctor, how to explore your options -- and those diagnosed with cancer -- including "alternative treatments to avoid."
Separate chapters detail complementary medicines for those using surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or tamoxifen. The last third focuses on the 30 most important anti-cancer herbs, with specific instructions for preparation and use.
Down-to-earth, compassionate, and lyrical, this information-rich book includes a risk assessment survey; directory of helpful organizations; glossary; index; and many useful illustrations. Introduction by Christiane Northrup, M.D. (American edition) and Susun Love, M.D. (German edition).
"What a gift to women of all ages! Susun Weed's breast health book, "Breast Cancer? Breast Health! the Wise Woman Way" helped me overcome my fear of what I might discover during self-examination. I am so grateful that this book came my way and I am healthier in mind, body, and spirit thanks to Ms. Weed's wise words! All of my questions and doubts were addressed in a voice that speaks for all the wise women who have chosen the path of natural and sensible personal health. If I could, I would give a copy of this book to every woman in the world!" ~ Wise Woman
Susun S. Weed is the voice of the Wise Woman tradition, where healing is nourishing. She is known internationally as an extraordinary teacher with a joyous spirit, a powerful presence, and an encyclopedic knowledge of herbs and health. For more than thirty years she has opened hearts to the magic and medicine of the green nations, restoring herbs as women's common medicine, and empowering women to care for themselves.
Susun is founder of the Wise Woman Center, editor-in-chief of Ash Tree Publishing, a high priestess of Dianic Wicca, a member of the Sisterhood of the Shields, a Peace Elder, and happy herder of her dairy goats.
Her five books: Healing Wise; New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way;Breast Cancer? Breast Health! the Wise Woman Way; Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year; and Down There: Sexual and Reproductive Health the Wise Woman Way are used by more than a million women throughout the world. She writes a regular herbal column for SageWoman Magazine and hosts the Wise Woman website and forum created by her amazing daughter Justine.
Susun continues to train apprentices, initiate green witches, work with her correspondence course students, and write books.