Lord of All

Publisher: Believe Books, LLC

LORD OF ALL – WHY TWELVE COMMUNITY LEADERS CAME TOGETHER In these times of deep division in our country, it is a breath of fresh air to see 12 Christian leaders from a broad range of racial, ethnic, socio-economic, and denominational backgrounds coming together in unity to share their faith and their personal stories of salvation through Jesus Christ.  We know that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said that the most segregated hour of the week in America is the 11 o’clock hour on Sunday morning, referencing the lack of unity of the Body of Christ when it comes to worshipping together. Yet in this book, Lord of All, these twelve leaders stand together in unity and proclaim that Jesus is the Lord of All – He is the Jesus of ALL people and he brings all people together. America needs to know there is unity in Jesus and listening to the stories of these believers from so many different backgrounds, who live in one geographical location, will hopefully stir communities across the nation to come together in the same way – to worship together, to fellowship together, and to live life together, to the glory of God. Here are some excerpts from the book:

Mike Minter, Entering God’s Kingdom: I confessed my need for Christ alone to save me and give me everlasting life. My entire world was turned upside down. This was not some short-term emotional experience. The whole direction of my life had taken a U turn.  

Pat Ware, Seasons of My Life: I was tired of the struggle, of reaching for acceptance through worldly achievements. I wanted to know that Jesus knew me, heard my cries, understood my pain, wept over me as He wept over Jerusalem, rejoiced with me, and when I listened, talked to me in all the ways He talks to His own.

Rabbi Neal Surasky, Finding Yeshua The Messiah: Apart from my culture, Judaism had little or no spiritual meaning or significance until I came to faith. In fact, it was overcoming my ignorance of the Hebrew Bible that finally showed me who Jesus is, and that He was not just for my Gentile friends, He was for me.

Dr. Chris Gnanakan, To God Be The Glory:
I began to discover two unique truths about the Christian faith. While Hindus had thousands of names for their gods and Muslims have some ninety-nine names for Allah, only Christians dare to call God their “Father!” I began to perceive the ultimate reality of God as someone real, not an illusion of a weak mind.

Holly Leachman, The Greatest Gift:
I had two options: this proclamation of true love from God's word could either crush me or rescue me. I started to look at myself in a different light, examining the contradictions within myself. How could I be "in love" and so jealous at the same time? Where could I ever find this real love?– this true love that was patient and kind, not jealous or haughty or rude.

Isaac Huang, Our Journey of Faith:
God is teaching us to forbear, accept, and reconcile with one another in Christ, Our common bond in Christ enables us to grow, serve, and celebrate together.

About Casey Veatch

Casey Veatch is a businessman in Reston, VA, with a heart for unity in the Body of Christ. He selected this group of 12 Christian leaders in Northern Virginia, from diverse backgrounds, to share their faith with the community.

In his own words, "I am not a pastor and I do not have a theological degree. I am simply a businessperson who has worked in Northern Virginia my entire career. Yet for some time, I have felt inspired to assemble this book, written by a diverse group of people from Northern Virginia who each proclaims Jesus as their Savior and Lord, as a testimony to the fact that He is indeed Lord of All. As different as each of these stories may be, the common thread among them shows our common love of Jesus and faith in His saving grace."


"I have always enjoyed and appreciated the broad diversity of people in our community, and I have wanted to find a way to encourage unity both inside and outside the church. It occurred to me that if we were to know the personal stories of men and women of God who serve among us, it might help draw us all together in Christian love."


Binding EAN ISBN-10 Pub Date PAGES Language Size Price
Paperback 9780981706153 0981706150 2015-09-25 153 0.00 x 6.00 x 9.00 in $14.95




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