Age/Grade Range: 3-7 / -
Binding | EAN | ISBN-10 | Pub Date | PAGES | Language | Size | Price |
Paperback | 9789383222001 | 938322200X | 2016-03-01 | 16 | 0.00 x 5.75 x 8.25 in | $4.99 |
The series is a collection of four famousstories from Europe highlighting the valuesof compassion, bravery and determination.These stories are popular across the globe.
read moreOne rainy morning, Andy a kind heartedPapuan ant, helped his friend, Nando bysharing his buoy. They reached schooltogether safely. A few days later, Andy wasgoing to school when it began to rain. Andy’sbuoy hit a tree’s branch and began to leak.Andy was scared.
read moreA series of concept board books with simplestories that are illustrated with bright colourfulpictures for children to enjoy. The series willcover topics like farm animals, positions,opposites,the beach, the jungle, and seasons.
read moreHugging is a universal language and in the eyes of achild can say so many things – you’re my friend, you care about me, you love me or simply thank you. A series of 12 exciting, fun action hugs are boughtto life with beautiful illustrations and a simplerhyming verse that encourage children to ask fora specific type of hug.
read moreA set of four well known stories from the 1001Arabian Nights. These beautifully illustrated bookscapture the essence of Arabic culture and customstold in a folktale format.
read morePat is a shy kid but he is a brilliant artist. He wantsto be friends with his classmates but does notknow how to approach them. One day whilevisiting a stationary shop store, Pat has an idea.Will he succeed in making new friends?
read moreA great Sultan wished to become immortal.Hence he desired to find the tree of life. Will hisfaithful servant find the tree in the mystical landsof India? Will the Sultan become immortal?
read moreDante is a poor boy who has to work hard in thefields to support his family. He wishes to buy adoll for his younger sister. However things takean unexpected turn when he goes to shop to buythe doll. Will Dante succeed in giving the perfectdoll to his sister?
read moreThese seven tales narrated by Rumi (thedivine sufi saint of ancient Persia) have deepphilosophical insights for the welfare of mankind. The Persian stories have been retold in simpleEnglish for easy comprehension.
read moreThis ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ book features a fairynamed Adeline who has to make a few big choices! JoinAdeline along her path as she discovers unexpectedfriends, encounters disasters, and seeks rewards basedon very important choices...
read moreVioletta was surprised when she heard the voiceof the Red Balloon in a village fair. The Red Balloonwants to explore the world and hence Violetta setshim free. The voyage of the Red Balloon begins.
read moreThis ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ book features a fairynamed Adeline who has to make a few big choices! JoinAdeline along her path as she discovers unexpectedfriends, encounters disasters, and seeks rewards basedon very important choices...
read moreThis ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ book features a fairynamed Adeline who has to make a few big choices! JoinAdeline along her path as she discovers unexpectedfriends, encounters disasters, and seeks rewards basedon very important choices...
read moreAncient cities have fascinating legends attachedto it. This series will showcase and legendsstories associated with the famous cities. Thefirst book narrates the story of a brave youngboy from Vienna. The second book deals withthe story of twin brothers from Paris. The thirdbook deals with the story of a Bangladeshi Princewho become a spiritual master...
read moreThese seven tales narrated by Rumi (thedivine sufi saint of ancient Persia) have deepphilosophical insights for the welfare of mankind. The Persian stories have been retold in simpleEnglish for easy comprehension.
read moreIn the middle of the square a big whitestatue stood and watched every little thingthat happened in the Town. Therefore hewas named the Guardian. He carefullylistened to every single secret the citizensentrusted to him.But what about him? Did he also have asecret of his own?
read moreA set of four well known stories from the 1001Arabian Nights. These beautifully illustrated bookscapture the essence of Arabic culture and customstold in a folktale format.
read moreThese seven tales narrated by Rumi (thedivine sufi saint of ancient Persia) have deepphilosophical insights for the welfare of mankind. The Persian stories have been retold in simpleEnglish for easy comprehension.
read moreOnce upon a time, a kingdom was terrorised by a stag whodestroyed corn crops and blooming shrubs. The King choose ahero to capture the stag. A little brave boy also went in searchof the stag. Can he convince the stag to stop before it is toolate?
read moreRonnie is fascinated with the moon. He wishes toown the moon for himself and plans to steal it. Whathappens when he finally succeeds in stealing themoon?
read moreThe series is a collection of four famousstories from Europe highlighting the valuesof compassion, bravery and determination.These stories are popular across the globe.
read morePENELOPOP loves to make music….on her drums,her ukulele or ever her little piccolo. She insists onpounding, strumming or tooting on and on and on. She makes a lot of noise wherever she goes. BING!BANG! BOOM! Only a few can make her stop. Buteven they can’t hold back her music for long.
read moreA girl asks whether we should stay or go. The underlying message to this question exalts the choices in life and the natural doubts about the future. Throughout the book the character questions several aspects of the main issue, focusing on various points of view, the pros and cons, concluding that the world is small and after all we are close wherever we are...
read moreThese seven tales narrated by Rumi (thedivine sufi saint of ancient Persia) have deepphilosophical insights for the welfare of mankind. The Persian stories have been retold in simpleEnglish for easy comprehension.
read moreA collection of colouring, drawing, puzzles and wordgames derived from the popular classic fairy talesare ideal to improve their reasoning, artistic andvocabulary skills.
read moreThis is a fun book for doing multipleactivities, such as, colouring, dot to dot,puzzles etc. with Simon.
read moreSIMON loves all sorts of things…fairs, fishing,birthday parties and school plays. He does allof this with the help of his wonderful family…Grandma Anna, his sister Ruth and Carp, the fish.There is one person who gets in the way a bit…his mother. By accident, she messes up almosteverything he does. But, that’s OK. It doesn’t stopSIMON for long.
read moreSIMON loves all sorts of things…fairs, fishing,birthday parties and school plays. He does allof this with the help of his wonderful family…Grandma Anna, his sister Ruth and Carp, the fish.There is one person who gets in the way a bit…his mother. By accident, she messes up almosteverything he does. But, that’s OK. It doesn’t stopSIMON for long.
read moreSIMON loves all sorts of things…fairs, fishing,birthday parties and school plays. He does allof this with the help of his wonderful family…Grandma Anna, his sister Ruth and Carp, the fish.There is one person who gets in the way a bit…his mother. By accident, she messes up almosteverything he does. But, that’s OK. It doesn’t stopSIMON for long.
read moreSIMON loves all sorts of things…fairs, fishing,birthday parties and school plays. He does allof this with the help of his wonderful family…Grandma Anna, his sister Ruth and Carp, the fish.There is one person who gets in the way a bit…his mother. By accident, she messes up almosteverything he does. But, that’s OK. It doesn’t stopSIMON for long.
read moreThe story highlights the deep bondingthe daughter shares with her mother. Theprotagonist appreciates the efforts made by hermother to be a part of her life while respectingher privacy.
read moreA series of ten illustrated picture booksintroducing the magical world of fairy tales toyoung children. The young readers will enjoysimple narration and stylised art.
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