Emergency Cardiology: A Practical Guide

Publisher: Broken Hill

This book represents an attempt to simplify the way of handling emergency cardiology cases. At the end of each chapter there is an algorithm that focuses on the basic diagnostic points and the main therapeutic actions for handling the illness. The composition of the text is based for the most part on the existing guidlines of scientific associations. However, in many of the cases the author uses only the most essential information that assists in the management of emergency cases incorporating certain elements from his own personal experiences. The algorithms offer only a rough guide to patient management and may need modifications according to the peculiarities of the case and the handling doctor's judgement.

The text that precedes the algorithim provides the necessary theoretical substrate to allow the reader to assimilate the algorithmic evaluation of the emergency illness. In order to facilitate the doctor's theapeutic management of the case and the way of preparing and administering intravenous solutions are described, while representative brand names of the main cardiological drugs are included.

About Loukianos Rallidis

Loukianos S. Rallidis, MD, FESC, Associate Professor of Cardiology, University of Athens Medical School, Second Department of Cardiology, University General Hospital "Attikon", Athens Greece.


Binding EAN ISBN-10 Pub Date PAGES Language Size Price
Hardcover 9789963716814 9963716814 2017-08-15 368 0.00 x 5.49 x 8.02 in $44.95




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Emergency Cardiology: A Practical Guide

Emergency Cardiology: A Practical Guide

by Rallidis, Loukianos

This book represents an attempt to simplify the way of handling emergency cardiology cases. At the end of each chapter there is an algorithm that focuses on the basic diagnostic points and the main therapeutic actions for handling the illness. The composition of the text is based for the most part on the existing guidlines of scientific associations...

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