A hilarious and irreverent cookbook written just for dudes (like Brad and Brian) who are interesting, successful, confident, and extremely good looking; dudes who like to eat healthy, colorful, creative keto-friendly creations, but are too busy and important to stress over time-consuming, complex recipes. Co-authors Brad Kearns and Brian McAndrew pose as experts to help you swagger into the low carb, moderate protein, high fat ketogenic diet the right way, without the stress and frustration of ordinary keto cookbooks.
While naysayers may criticize keto as a “bacon and butter” fat-fest, and disparage Brad and Brian as a couple of posers trafficking on their sex appeal and athletic prowess instead of their cooking skills, this book emphasizes an incredible array of genius or near-genius level recipes featuring nutritious natural animal foods, colorful vegetables, and other nutrient-dense ingredients that will help optimize gut health, boost immune function, and improve performance on the athletic field, in the bedroom, and at work by three to four levels.
You will be amazed at the creativity these two dudes will inspire in you to become a freakin’ kitchen legend in less time and less hassle than you ever dreamed possible before meeting these two dudes. While originally envisioned as a great gift idea for females to give to their favorite dudes, several female recipe testers, photographers, designers and key grips on the project have indicated that they want to keep the book for themselves. Brad and Brian are prepared for viral acceptance by females and agree to show up and rock the house at any ladies book club meeting they are invited to.
Brad Kearns is the New York Times bestselling co-author of The Keto Reset Diet, host of the highly acclaimed (by him, friends and family) Get Over Yourself podcast, Guinness World Record setting Speedgolfer, and former US national champion and #3 world-ranked professional triathlete. As host of the Keto Reset online multimedia video course (ketoreset.com) and the Primal Blueprint keto podcast, Brad talks about keto all the time, which makes automatically makes him an expert. Brad likes to occasionally depart from keto guidelines with evening popcorn binges and excess dark chocolate consumption.
Brian McAndrew became a YouTube celebrity while still a University of Oregon student, when he co-wrote, directed, produced and starred in the epic and totally viral video, I Love My Ducks. Today he is a master filmmaker and audio engineer who has made Mark Sisson look really good on mic and camera for several years. He has been smooth, effortless, graceful, and badass in adhering to a strict ketogenic diet since early 2016, all the while pursuing ambitious goals in powerlifting and Crossfit. Brian started his Instagram site @WholeDoods as a protest against overpriced grocery chains. It grew quickly despite his extremely limited text commentary on the posts of his lavish and creative meals—generally either “I’m eating this,” or “I just ate this.” Visit Instagram @WholeDoods to see how fun, easy and colorful keto eating can be.