Another Ghost in the Doorway

Publisher: Moyer Bell and its subsidiaries

Since publishing a novel early in her career, Deborah Pease has devoted herself to writing poetry. Pursuing her own vision, outside of organized programs or schools, Pease has published in small presses and limited editions until now. Another Ghost in the Doorway: Collected Poems presented poems written over a period of twenty-five years. James Laughlin, fellow poet and founder of New Directions hailed Pease's work: These poems are deceptive. They reach depths of feeling and a natural wisdom about living in lines and images so simple, so direct, they must be read and reread to grasp their profundity. What Thoreau called the 'sentiments of the heart,' which he said it was our duty to search for The unmistakable voice and sensibility of Deborah Pease are heard throughout Another Ghost in the Doorway. Pease's poems are known for their quite lyricism and sharpness of observation.Deborah Pease is a fine writer...and sometimes she is dazzlingly fine.-Newsweek

About Deborah Pease


Binding EAN ISBN-10 Pub Date PAGES Language Size Price
Hardcover 9781559212724 1559212721 1999-05-15 256 0.00 x 6.31 x 9.32 in $24.95




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Another Ghost in the Doorway

Another Ghost in the Doorway

by Pease, Deborah

Since publishing a novel early in her career, Deborah Pease has devoted herself to writing poetry. Pursuing her own vision, outside of organized programs or schools, Pease has published in small presses and limited editions until now. Another Ghost in the Doorway: Collected Poems presented poems written over a period of twenty-five years...

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