Nicole Jaff's journey into menopause research began for personal reasons when she was plunged into premature menopause after an unnecessary hysterectomy. Since then her commitment to helping other women avoid making the same mistake has grown into a full time career in menopause counselling and research. She is a Registered Counsellor, a North American Menopause Society certified menopause practitioner and is currently completing her PhD in menopause at the Faculty of Health Sciences at University of the Witwatersrand, where she is a research fellow. In addition to her research, she has been appointed as menopause counsellor at the Wendy Applebaum Institute for Women's Health at the Wits Donald Gordon Medical Centre in Johannesburg. She has run numerous workshops for women around menopause, is a sought after speaker at women's events and has written several books and countless articles on the subject in her drive to ensure women are empowered to take the right decisions about their health.