Easy Strength
How To Look Like Tarzan, Play Like Tarzan-And Win Like TarzanHeadline:What It Takes to Stack the Strength-Deck in Your Favor "If football were played in the weight room or on the track, I could guarantee that each year, the team that won the championship would NOT be the team that won on the field of play. And that is absolutely true in every sport and every game. It's a rare track meet that you don't hear someone rhapsodize about training numbers and then see him or her lose badly. In football, we have a phrase for this: 'Looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane.' Pavel and my goal in writing this book is to clarify the role and impact of strength training in fitness, sports, and life. We are committed to clarity, even though at times, it's impossible to navigate the sea of conflicting information regarding the lifting sports. Pavel's experience and research provides grounding and a confidence to "Do this!" as we often joke.What can you expect from reading this book?. You will learn some hi
Pavel Tsatsouline of Santa Monica, CA Pavel Tsatsouline, is a former Soviet Special Forces physical training instructor, who helped Dragon Door Publications initiate the modern kettlebell movement.
Dan John