
Finding God When He Feels Far Away
Ever feel like God is a million miles away? You want to "feel Him" so much, but He seems nowhere to be found. Jeanne Mayo, author of UNCENSORED: Finding God When He Feels Far Away, talks about this controversial topic in the latest of the UNCENSORED series. With straight, non-churchy talk, she deals with times when your prayers seem to go no higher than the ceiling. She even shares on both loneliness and single living-times in your life when God can feel especially far away.

Jeanne Mayo Jeannie Mayo has been called America's #1 Youth Pastor by Ministries Today and was awarded an honorary doctorate for her significant influence in shaping today's youth culture. She speaks frequently to large audiences both nationally and internationally. Jeannie is the president of The Youth Leader's Coach www.youthleaderscoach.com and director of Oxygen Youth and Young Adult Outreach located near Atlanta.

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