Chasing Authenticity
Is it possible that in trying to be it all and have it all we're Chasing after the wrong ideals - the Alpha female Bosses, the Iconic Super Mommies, or (dare I say) the Sexy Bunnies? - And by chasing these ideals, are we, in fact, becoming a second rate version of who we truly are? As Jazayeri explores the inner narratives that build our self-image, she asks that you challenge the posse of inner critics we fabricate in our minds. Sincerely ask, Why have I become my own worst critic? Drawing on the latest reserch of extraordinary minds in the fields of evolutionary biology, positive psychology, and modern philosophy, Chasing Authenticity challenges natural convention as Jazayeri expolores how we internalize the unrealistic expectations of the outside world in each evoluntionary milestone that challenges our identity-from child to lover to mother - awakening a deep honor to an authentic self. As you read, you will find yourself better equipped to: Discern your thoughts, Honor your inner integrity, and purposely engage in acceptance and kindness of yourself and others. Only when we accept the power of what it means to live a truly authentic life will we be able to be a Light for others to do the same. Author's note: I know deep within my soul that we are all connected. By learning to accept and love ourselves more intimately, we grown to appreciate all humankind. Through what I've written, I am here, transparent before you, with the hope that my life's struggles may provide a companion for you on this journey towards finding true self-worth.Solange Jazayeri
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