The Experts Handbook
Whilst online systems and strategies can leverage time, reach and profit, allowing you to fulfill your vision; business online can also be a minefield of confusion and overwhelm...;;After multiple successes working with Experts, Thought Leaders and Visionaries, James Klobasa gives you the roadmap to access your true power, create your perfect day, structure success, increase impact and be paid a premium for your expertise.;;James removes the clutter of the unnecessary, outlining the essentials to your path as a leader online.;;Personally and professionally, this is the one Handbook that every Expert, Thought Leader and Visionary must read.James Klobasa James is a sought after premium Consultant who specializes in Sales and Marketing Strategy, including what he’s best known for – Product Launch Management. But really these are just fancy words to say that he makes his clients a lot of money utilizing highly effective systems and strategies through simplification. James has been online since 1998 and has a background in branding, patents and licensing. He’s a published author and speaker. As founder and CEO of Platinum PLM, the campaigns James and his team create for his clients regularly achieve six and seven figure results. He also helps his clients to improve all aspects of their online activities including: strategic positioning, product development, list-building, JV relationships, evergreen business models, automation of sales and marketing systems and diversifying income streams.