The Road To Success Goes Through the Salad Bar
The Road to Success Goes Through the Salad Bar: A Pile of BS (Business Stories) From a Corporate Comedian is a hilarious look at American business past, present and future written from the perspective of a stand-up comedian who has spent the past 20 years making the business world laugh at itself.Greg Schwem Greg Schwem is a corporate stand-up comedian, humorous business speaker and nationally syndicated humor columnist for Tribune Content Agency. He has performed for companies including Microsoft, Cisco Systems, United Airlines, Motorola, IBM and McDonald's. Greg also has appeared in concert with the likes of Celine Dion, Keith Urban, Jay Leno, Pat Benatar and Enrique Iglesias. His comedy bits about business and technology can be heard regularly on XM/Sirius Radio's Laugh USA. Greg's first book, "Text Me If You're Breathing," was written after he struggled trying to master text messaging lingo, iPod transfers, Nintendo Wii and a myriad of other technologies that his children handled with ease. His follow up, "The Road to Success Goes Through the Salad Bar," was inspired by the collection of characters Greg encountered while performing his stand-up act to business groups worldwide.