The Seven Senses of Leadership
The Brain Broad's Guide to Leadership Sensibilities
Valuable insights gleaned from the stories of global Leaders throughout history are the backdrop for behaviorist and brain expert Lynette Louise as she busts Leadership myths and uncovers The Seven Senses of Leadership. With clearly explained brain science Lynette shares solid advice on building and/or refining your Leadership Sensibilities. Unique and brilliant, The Seven Senses of Leadership: The Brain Broad's Guide to Leadership Sensibilities, helps readers discover, recognize and perfect their Leadership Sensibilities while also giving them the tools and expertise to choose their own Leaders with educated purpose.
Lynette Louise Lynette Louise, MS, NTC, BCIA-EEG, Board-certified in Neurofeedback; PhD in MOM Raised eight children, (six adopted, five disabled, four on the Autism spectrum). Only one retains his label and remains dependent. Born in Canada, Lynette moved to America in 1995. An expert in Autism, she travels internationally performing on the subject, teaching children and their families, and speaking to professionals.
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