
30 Days to A New You
Imagine is a collection of the cutting-edge tips, tools and strategies from the world's leading experts in success, business, leadership, self-help, and health. It is designed to guide you to your highest and best self. Read a chapter, and take action, then read another chapter, and take more action. Soon enough, you'll be amazed at the life you've created! Contributing Experts to IMAGINE Include: Lew Bayer, Terri Levine, Tracy Spears, Doug Sandler, Wally Schmader, Scott Behson, Elisabetta Faenza, Rick Clemons, Corey Jahnke, Lynette Louise, Meridith Elliott Powell and more...

Justin Sachs Justin Sachs is the chairman of the board of Justin Sachs Companies, a group of companies that provide high-level services to business owners, entrepreneurs, and corporations worldwide. Sachs work has been acknowledged by presidents, congressmen, world-renowned business leaders, nonprofit executives, authors, and entrepreneurs alike for his ability to achieve extraordinary results.

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