The Belief Zone
Getting Out of Your Own Way and Making More Money Have Never Been So Easy! After twenty years of helping thousands of Sales Professionals and Entrepreneurs break through the limiting beliefs that kept them anchored in a not-so-comfortable Comfort Zone, Sales Expert and Coach Ursula Mentjes has distilled her process of creating a new Belief Zone and astounding sales (and life) results into simple steps that anyone can apply to create more money and a truly blessed life. On a mission to help Entrepreneurs and Sales Professionals quickly and easily make a lot of money so they can give back to the organizations they care about and live a meaningful life, Ursula is sharing the 7-Step Blueprint she has used to create everything from million-dollar revenue streams and powerful teams, multiple bestselling books and award recognition, sharing the stage with speaking legends, dream vacations, a cross-country move to her sweet home, and even the arrival of her own precious son.
Ursula Mentjes Two-time Bestselling Author, Award winning Entrepreneur and Sales Expert-- Ursula Mentjes--will transform the way you think about selling so you can reach your goals with less anxiety and less effort! The Founder of Sales Coach Now as well as an inspirational speaker, author of Selling with Intention, Selling with Synchronicity and One Great Goal– Ursula specializes in Neuro-Linguistic Programming to help clients double and triple their sales in as little as 30 days. Honing her skills at an international technical training company, where she began her career in 1996, Ursula increased sales by 90% in just one year! In 2001, when the company’s annual run was in the tens of millions, Ursula advanced to the position of President at just 27 years old. Sales guru Brian Tracy endorsed her best-selling and award winning book Selling with Intention saying, “This powerful, practical book shows you how to connect with customers by fully understanding the sales process from the inside out. It really works!” Ursula is the recipient of the Small Business Administration’s Women in Business Champion Award, Willow Tree’s Extraordinary Example and Extraordinary Entrepreneur, PDP’s Extraordinary Speaker and Business Woman of the Year and she just received the Lifetime Achievement Award for volunteerism from both Presidents of the United States of America. Her Podcast, Double Your Sales NOW, has received all 5 star reviews, is being downloaded in 22 countries and is experiencing double-digit growth!
- a. Joint Venture & Cross Promotions i. Through our network of authors, experts, thought leaders, and community leaders we’ll reach over 8 million people with our launch campaign.
- b. Media Promotions i. Through our press initiatives, the book will be featured on a wide range of media including nationally syndicated radio shows, Television networks, high traffic podcasts, and blogs
- c. Social Media Campaign i. The Author and Publisher will push the book heavily through their social media databases reaching over 500,000 targeted readers.
- d. Book Signings and Speaking Engagements i. The author will coordinate book signings in stores in select markets to push in-store sales and will promote the signings to their network of followers
- e. Book Launch Party i. The Author would like to coordinate a launch party on the day of release at a local store in their top market to bring their local community together to celebrate the release of the book