The Immortal Jolson: His Life And Times
In an era of entertainment titans, Al Jolson was recognized as the greatest - a Legend in his own time. But behind the legend was a human being, behind the booming voice and the electric personality there was a man. Profligate and petty. Magnificent and tawdry. Generous and suspicious. The Immortal Jolson is a fascinating and revealing study of the man and his time.
Pearl Sieben
Just before the turn of the century, America was a land of stability and contrasts. The emigrants from Eastern European misery and oppression faced hardship and a strangers' newness. But they found something that they had never known - opportunity - a land and a society in which a man was not to be frozen in the position of his fathers if he had the qualities to succeed. Pearl Sieben tells the stories of Al Jolson and how he utilized oppurtunity.