From Gags to Riches
From GAGS to RICHES is Broadway at its funniest. It is show business, vaudeville. It’s night clubs cafés. It’s Hollywood; it’s Miami. It’s the whole mad world of entertainment as seen and heard by one who has literally grown up in it. Joey Adams call the book as alibi-ography, but From Gags to Riches is really only an excuse for him to spill his favourite gags and tidbits – and those of all the columnists and rival comics.
Joey Adams
Joey Adams’ rocketing career as a night-club and vaudeville entertainer extraordinary has been via the three B’s: Brooklyn, the Borsht Belt, and Broadway, where he landed with such impact that he bounced right into a suite at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. You will find him registered there at this moment---unless the building has collapsed from laughter. For Joey is a very funny man, whether in the night clubs and vaudeville theatres from coast to coast, or penning the jokes and reminiscences.