The Spirit Of Business
Many want to start a business or take on a new endeavor… however our personal journey to entrepreneurship is much more than paperwork and providing a product or service. Many are not successful in their development of their enterprise or able to move to the next level within their lives because they do not take an accurate assessment of what the past has meant, what healing they may need, and how to begin the process. To reach the heights and to begin along a journey of success, one must take inventory of what has been their excuses up to now, look into where their self doubt lies, access their self worth and more. The Spirit of Business guides the reader as they take this bold leap into manifesting a better future for themselves.Â
Phoenix Jackson
Phoenix Jackson is an award-winning business leader, corporate communication strategist, adjunct faculty and expert in social entrepreneurship turned author and speaker. Phoenix’s calling has been to empower women and men alike concerning their abilities to influence and impact others through entrepreneurship. Additionally, Phoenix is the Co-Founder of Phoenix Affect, an integrated communications and public relations firm. For profit businesses, nonprofits, professional athletes, entertainers, authors, speakers, and politicians have all been clients of Phoenix Affect, successfully being branded and manifesting their desired outcomes within public influence.Phoenix found a way to highlight and further expand the reach of her clients by extending Phoenix Affect into an online news focused website featuring the best in social enterprise, nonprofit, and elite entrepreneurship. As formally one of the youngest adjunct faculty members at the University of Denver, she always considered education to be one of the best tools one could have. She created Phoenix Affect University to teach marketing, social media, public relations, and other business building skills to the public.
- Author hosts a podcast that is widely heard and reviewed by tens of thousands weekly.
- Author is a highly sought after media and PR expert and will be leveraging her contacts to secure placements