The Clinton Record
Throughout his campaign in 1992, Mr Clinton made bold and far-reaching promises. He worked carefully to take credit for what he had not done, and to distance himself from the negative things he had done. Whether Bill Clinton was talking about his promises to the middle class, denying an affair with Gennifer Flowers, or making one of his many false pledges to balance the budget, there was one central flaw that ran to the core of the Clinton technique: dishonesty. Now, as Bill Clinton begins another campaign of broken promises in his second bid for the presidency, it is imperitive that he be taken to task for what he has failed to do. To quote a statement Bill Clinton made on the campaign trail in 1992, " It's read my lips all over again. Except this time we can read the record." I have striven to show that the very words of Bill Clinto are the best evidence of his deceit, corruption and indecision.
Kevin Watson