Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
Majority of Americans are unhappy on a daily basis. Most of the people that are
saying they are happy are basing their lives off superficial or surface level
happiness. Many people who say they dislike like their jobs will continue to keep
going there because it pays the bills. While these people are trying to be happy and
saying they are happy they are no where near living lives life that are considered
their dream. While the presence of social media may make people look like they are
living happy lives, few people are making actual real happiness and fulfillment a
priority. Fulfillment comes from knowing who you are and what makes you excited
to be alive, which is something most people never make the time to actually figure
out. People are living on autopilot, they work, come home, to do the same boring
cycle each week, with little happiness being added to their life unless they schedule
a vacation in. Most people think that being at their best is being married, having
children, owning a home, and making a decent paycheck. When in fact that is just the
surface, there is so much more to life.
melissa lucas of Pittsburgh, PA
Melissa is a personal development expert and business strategist, writer, speaker,
host/producer of the Happiness Potential Podcast, Pranayama yoga and meditation
instructor. Her life's mission is helping others find the best version of themselves.
She went through her own happiness project from January 2011 until now(growth
never stops). She went from an unhappy, unfulfilled, too many drinks, too much
money spending, always eating take out food kind of person, to a happy, fulfilled,
healthy, empowered, entrepreneur. She believes that we all deserve to have our best
life possible, but we must first uncover ourselves to get there.
Melissa is an entrepreneur, dedicated yogi, and certified life coach. She has an MBA,
Bachelor’s in Psychology, and comes from a background in psychology, business,
higher education, and technology. She was raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where
she still resides, while splitting time in NYC.