Your Personal Growth
This book presents a new approach to help you understand yourself and other people. It is a book about how people grow ... and decay. The book is written for the epress purpose of helping the reader achieve a better understanding of himself and set up practical guidelines for his own personal growth.
J. W. Thomas
Dr. J. W. Thomas is a management psychologist with sixteen years experience in consulting with top level management people. Besides consulting with a number of major business firms in the Southwest, he conducts seminars for managment people and is quite active in giving lectures on the psychology of growth. He also teachees management courses at Southern Methodist University and the University of Dallas Graduate School of Business.
He has studied at Stanford University, Oklahoma State University. He received a bachelor's degree in mathematics and philosophy in 1948, a master's degree in Psychology in 1950, and a doctorate in psychology from Oklahoma State University in 1955.
From 1955 to 1960 Dr. Thomas was a memeber of a national firm of psychologists serving as consultants to management. In 1960 he established his own consulting firm, and in 1966 he founded Growth Seminars, Incorporated, Since 1966 he has served as President of Growth Seminars, Incorporated and developed this firmm into a major force in innovative management psychology.