The Science of the Deal
Donald gives us 500 negotiating tactics in this book compared to only 11 in the other Donald’s book. What I love most about our Donald’s book is its simplicity and practicality – easy to read, with powerful techniques that work. What I also like is how our Donald shows us the 68 dirty negotiating tricks to watch out for and avoid using…cautious and ethical advice. This book is for everybody, because we are always negotiating, whether we realize it or not. We negotiate in business with our customers and vendors. We negotiate when we buy a car or house. We even negotiate at home with our children and spouse. This book shows you how to win your negotiations…with honor!”
The Science of the Deal, has created quite a clever way to approach deal-making. Over the last 40+ years he's developed some 500 negotiating tactics, allocated by subcategories such as cooperative, defensive, submissive, assertive, and so on. This book offers interesting reading for virtually everyone, especially if you want to take your deal-making capabilities to a new level.
Donald Wayne Hendon
Donald Hendon really knows how to influence people. He has won big-time at the negotiating table in 38 nations on six continents. Using the 365 tactics in this book, he has become a millionaire several times over. That’s because he knows which tactics influence others and which ones don’t. And more importantly, he knows why! He also knows which tactics most people use over and over—and which tactics they usually avoid.
He has trained thousands of people from over 60 nations and turned them into big winners at the negotiating table. A Hong Kong executive told him, “Using only a few of your tactics, I made $1.5 million extra the same week I attended your seminar. And that same month, I made an extra $50 million. Thank you so much”