Your Breast and it's Care
YOUR BREAST AND ITS CARE is a clear, precise, easily understood, one-volume illustrated encyclopedia which contains information concerning such vital topics as:
- The ABC's of breast self-examination
- Enlargement or reduction of breast size
- Breast feeding
- Psychological and sexual aspects of the breast
- The Male Breast
- Pshysiology, Anatomy and birth defects
- Breast pain
- Infection and injury
- Cancer detection
- Surgery
- Mastectomy
- Cures and survival How to care for your health after breasr surgery.
Many other topics are covered including numerous illustrations for easy identification.
T.R. Shantha
Dr. T.R. Shantha is an author/lecturer for The National Breast Care Foundation. He obtained his M.D. in 1958 and Ph.D., in basic medical sciences from Emory University School of Medicine in 1962. He has authored more than 84 research papers in the recognized medical science journals of America, England, Germany, Switzerland, France, Japan as well as other countries, and is also the author of four books which are used in medical research schools and laboratories throughout the world. He has been the recipient of numerous awards and medical honors, including the American Medical Association's Physician Recognition Award.
The physician-writer is a member of the American Medical Association and a member and fellow of numerous basic national and international science and medical speciality societies. He presently is a staff member of Georgia Baptist Hospital and Columbus Medical Center and Associate Professor at Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia. He is a consulting editor for medical and scientific articles and a speaker for various groups at trade conventions, professional meetings and educational assemblies in the U.S.A. and abroad.