Walking With the Devil: The Police Code of Silence - The Promise of Peer Intervention

What Bad Cops Don't Want You to Know and Good Cops Won't Tell You.

Wallking With the Devil is required ethics reading in law enforcement academies and college programs across the United States. It  is the foundational resource for the Peer Intervention training featured in the New York Times regarding New Orleans Police Department  (EPIC) and the Police Executive Research Forum.

"Not only is the book a must read for anyone in law enforcement , but I believe it contains a lot of applicability to ethical dilemmas in all sorts of other professions and life situations." Coleen Rowley, Times Magazine 2002 Woman of the Year

"This book should be mandatory reading for any police recruit. It should also be the basis for a national program to implement programs to encourage the officers to intervene, stop, and deter misconduct."  Stephen C. Parker, Retired Chief of the Civil Rights and Police Misconduct Unit, U.S.Attorney’s Office, Western District of TN

"Walking With the Devil should be considered required reading for all police academia curriculums, and is highly recommended for anyone who is on the job."  Midwest Book Review, July 2005

Michael Quinn

Mike Quinn is a retired Minneapolis Police Sergeant and CEO of The International Ethics and Leadership Training Bureau LLC.  

He has been training police officers since 1979. In 2013 he authored and taught a program on Peer Intervention for Law Enforcement that is the framework for the New Orleans Consent Decree training named “EPIC- Ethical Policing is Courageous. ©”  

Mike served his country in the USAF from 1968 to 1975 as a medic. He served the citizens of Minneapolis from 1975 to 1999 in a variety of assignments that included uniformed patrol as an officer and Supervisor, investigations, plain clothes and undercover work. He was an instructor in SWAT, Firearms, Deadly force, defensive tactics, and other specialty skills.

He was the Deputy Director of Minnesota Police Corps Program, a Court Security Officer at the Minneapolis Federal Courthouse, and a Special Deputy U.S. Marshal contract guard.

He is a community faculty member of Metropolitan State University St. Paul, MN and Chairman of the Inver Hills Community College Law Enforcement Advisory Board in Inver Hills, MN.

Mike has lectured and taught on the subject of police ethics and accountability for police managers, street officers, civilian review investigators, and college classes across the United States and Canada.  

 He has testified in federal court as an expert in police use of force and accountability.

Mike's departmental awards include the medal of Commendation, the FBI Outstanding Service Award, the United States Marine Corps Meritorious Mast (x2), the Association of Training Officers of Minnesota Lifetime Achievement in Law Enforcement Training, and the BCA Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Contributions to Law Enforcement.

Margot Willett

Marketing & Publicity
  • Used as the core resource for Peer Intervention Training for Law Enforcement
  • Featured on Minnesota Public Radio, KFAI Radio, and National Public Radio
  • Recommended to President Obama by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee