Wheat and Gluten-Free Home Baking
This book was written when the author’s daughter developed an intolerance to Wheat back in 1980, chef trained Lola Workman found it incredible difficult to attempt. After many attempts and failures she finally perfected every day and easy recipes for the non chef.
Lola feels that blended your own gluten free flour in advance of cooking is an easy and vital step. The flour can be used for all purposes that you would normally use plain flour for and it will cost less then most commercially packed brands.
Also in this book it discusses clear instructions and important rules and ensuring that you use scales for accurate ingredients. The recipes are basic and family friendly from starting with the basic dough to kitchen essentials and tools you will need.
Lola Workman Lola was introdcued to gluten-free cookery in 1980 when her daughter developed an intolerance to wheat. Her background as a commerc8ally trained cook was challenged by this situatin and she had to develop a whole new tasty menu for her children. Lola has conducted many courses for parents of children with various food intolerances and is recognised by the Coeliac society who also endorse her books.