Me Gone Home

Collected Poems

Here at last is the gathering of poems that range from love to death, life to family. She is straightforward, playful and has an uncanny ability to put together words in an idiosyncratic way that works. Living in the world of poetry for so many years as an administrator she was obliged to keep most of her poems unpublished. We now are able to see just how extraordinary she really is in this collection.


Jennifer Moyer of Wakefield, RI

Jennifer Moyer was a publisher specializes in art books and literature. She was the principal of Moyer Bell Limited founded in 1984. Ms. Moyer was also a poet, chair of the Literature Program of the State of Illinois, Executive Director of the Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines and Executive Director of Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts in New York City, R.I. Born in Indianapolis, she graduated from the University of Wisconsin and received a master's degree from the University of Illinois.

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