Your Health Your Choice
Imagine going through your day without feeling sick or tired. Through this new edition of the best-seller Your Health Your Choice, you will learn to control how you feel-both physically and emotionally. Inside the pages of this revolutionary guide you will discover nutrition guidelines and wellness principles that will help ensure good health and transform the way you feel. Dr. Morter deals well with the subject of unwellness. At first glance, the premises he advocates may seem unorthodox. However, as his explanations progress through the book, his entire treatise becomes captivating. The ideas presented are simple and easy to accept. Your Health Your Choice does a commendable job of simplifying the very difficult concept that the body has an innate ability to keep itself in tune via "proper" nutrition.M. Ted Morter Dr. M. Ted Morter, Jr., has devoted over twenty-five years to helping sick people get well. His lectures, seminars, research, and four-day programs (Concentrated Care) held at his clinic in Rogers, Arkansas, are attended by doctors and patients from around the world. Dr. Morter is the author of magazine articles and two books written for professionals, Chiropractic Physiology and Correlative.
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