Communicate or Die
Getting Results Through Speaking and Listening
Often leaders have a great vision,but don't know how to communicate their strategies and turn them into results. Just as often,a company's staff has insight and information that never makes its way to the top. In short, the difference between a goodcompany and a great one may lie in itsability to communicate-internally andexternally. In Communicate or Die, Dr. Zweifel shows you how to achievebreakthrough performance simply by changing the way you speak and listen.Learn how to:.Become a master communicator whoinspires others..Harness the power of your speaking andlistening to shape reality..Avoid communication disasters of firmslike Bridgestone, AOL, Intel, and others..Climb the K2 of Listening-develop andsustain the Seven Listening Levels..Avoid the Four Deadly Sins of Speakingand minimize clutter in your language.
Thomas D. Zweifel Thomas D.Zweifel is CEO of Swiss Consulting Group and a professor of leadership and cross-cultural man-agement at Columbia University.By focusing on unleashing the human spirit,he has coached hundreds of managers on five continents since 1984 to produce breakthrough results. Now he pours his secrets into a series of path-breaking books.
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