Liberty's Secrets

The Lost Wisdom of America's Founders

Liberty’s Secrets exposes readers to the Founding Fathers as never before. They believed in God, Judeo-Christian values, and the freedom and necessity of religion in order to have a free and prosperous society. They believed in a free press and knew, as John Adams argued, “when a people is corrupted, the press may be made an engine to complete their ruin.” They believed in a limited government, strong education, and private property.

Liberty’s Secrets is like having a front row seat to the congresses and conventions where these leaders hashed out the profound issues of life and society. Charles has cataloged all of the Founding Fathers' writings and inLiberty’s Secrets provides an exposé of their profound yet glossed-over insights, delving into the subjects most important to maintaining a free society at a time when we most need to recover them. In so doing, Liberty’s Secrets equips readers to use the Founders' knowledge and understanding to neutralize the cultural myths currently undermining American liberty.

Joshua Charles of Lawrence, Kansas

Joshua Charles is the co-author, with Glenn Beck, of New York Times best-selling book The Original Argument. A fellow at the Public Policy Institute of William Jessup University, he earned his M.A. in Government at Regent University.  In addition to being a columnist and speaker who has appeared throughout the U.S. and around the world, Mr. Charles is a concert pianist. He is currently earning a law degree.

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