Precious Thoughts
Daily readings from Thomas Merton
Thomas Merton wrote to people of all faiths and none; he wrote to people who were searching, and those who were firmly established in religious orders; he wrote to students, peace activists and ‘ordinary’ people who had read about him and were curious. Some are letters of spiritual direction, a sharing of spiritual insights and social concerns, some more personal. In this carefully selected collection, Merton scholar, Fiona Gardner, has focused on extracts that seem to speak to all who are searching. They have been chosen because they offer an opening into something other – to provide a way into both silence and contemplative prayer.
Fiona Gardner Fiona Gardner is a trained psychotherapist and spiritual director. She was chair of the Thomas Merton Society of GB and Ireland (2004-2008). She is co-editor of the Merton Journal and the UK advisor to the International Thomas Merton Society, as well as author of several books including Journeying Home (DLT 2004) and The Four Steps of Love (DLT 2007).
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