Time, Unincorporated 1: The Doctor Who Fanzine Archives
(Vol. 1: Lance Parkin)
In Time, Unincorporated, the best essays and commentary from a range of Doctor Who fanzines are collected and here made available to a wider audience. In spirit, this series picks up the torch from Virgin's Licence Denied collection (1997), concentrating some of the most delightful, insightful and strange writings on Doctor Who into a single source. Volume 1 of this series collects 15 years of Doctor Who-related essays and articles by Lance Parkin, one of the highest-regarded Doctor Who novelists. The cornerstone of this edition is a year-by-year survey and analysis of Doctor Who that Parkin wrote for the 40th Anniversary of Doctor Who (updated to the present), as well as a myriad of Parkin's articles and columns from the fanzines Enlightenment and Matrix. Also included: Parkin's original pitch for the celebrated Doctor Who novel The Infinity Doctors (1998), his extensive advice on the art of writing and more.
Lance Parkin Lance Parkin is a British author, best known for writing fiction and reference books for television series, in particular some of the most influential Doctor Who novels (Father Time, The Gallifrey Chronicles, etc.). He also worked on the Emmerdale television series as a production assistant.
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