
From Hollywood to Holyrood
Braveheart had a part to play in the political change in Scotland with the return of the Scottish Parliament after a gap of 300 years, and was described as 'the most politically influential movie of the 20th century'. 'Better the pen than the sword' said Randall Wallace on being asked how it felt to be partly responsible for the freedom of a nation following the Devolution Referendum. This is the first book on the movie and approaches the life and legacy of William Wallace by way of the modern image of the hero presented in the movie. Key Features: Written with the co-operation of Randall Wallace who wrote the screenplay and novelisation of Braveheart; Never before published photographs; Great Scottish Book of the Month potential; Huge international interest Who will buy this book? Those interested in William Wallace and heroes; The millions of Braveheart fans

Lin Anderson Lin Anderson was born in Greenock, but has lived and travelled across Scotland. Her five years spent in the African bush inspired her collection of African short stories, one of which was published in the 10th Anniversary Macallan collection and broadcast on Radio 4. Formerly Head of Computing at a prominent Edinburgh school, she now teaches part-time to devote more time to writing and script development. She developed the website www (which has had over half a million visitors since 1314) with her husband John and this inspired the book.

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