Unwrapping his Presence
This year, why not go through the ups and downs of the holidays season with Jesus right by your side. Find faith in the buzz of overcrowded malls or as you visit a friend in the hospital. Hear Him in the rhythm of the holiday music dancing through the air-the music of people chattering, telephones ringing, children playing, sirens blaring, horns honking...the music of the life you live. Return home to the warmth and festivities, and allow the savory twists of poetry in this book to unwrap the presence of the One who gave His life for you so that you could spend eternity with Him. The One who is called-Emmanuel (God with us).
Chris Maxwell Chris Maxwell has served over twenty years in pastoral ministry. He writes articles, curriculum, reviews and devotionals for a variety of publications, including Charisma, Today's Pentecostal Evangel, Issachar File, Enrichment, LIVE, Christian Retailing, Ministries Today, The Orlando Sentinel and many others. After an unexpected attack of viral encephalitis that nearly took his life, Chris started on a long and arduous journey of defeat and recovery in his two books, Changing My Mind and Beggars Can Be Chosen. Chris currently serves as Campus Pastor and Spiritual Life Director for Emmanuel College and Writer/Editor for LifeSprings Resources.