The Journey Home
"A Course in Miracles" teaches that the whole spiritual journey is a journey home, home to God whom we have never really left. Allen Watson describes this spiritual journey, as seen in the Course, identifying the stages we pass through as we move from fear to love, escaping from darkness and emerging into the light. Watson presents a map that we can look at as we set out, giving us an idea of the spiritual destination the Course is taking us to, and what we must go through to get there. This map helps us be aware of and prepared for the pitfalls and detours that occur along the way. "The Journey Home" also offers Course guidelines and instructions for dealing with some of the difficult passages on this journey. It ends with a chapter encouraging us to travel with joy on this "marvelous journey which is worthy of our every effort and deserving of all our confidence."
Allen Watson Allen is a writer and teacher of A Course in Miracles and currently works with Course students in Portland, Oregon. He has written a number of books and booklets on the Course, including A Healed Mind Does Not Plan, Seeing the Bible Differently, the Workbook Companion series on the Internet and in book form, as well as co-author of Let Me Remember You. Before joining the Circle of Atonement for several years, he published Miracle Thoughts newsletter and led Course study groups in New Jersey.