Next Door's Dog has a Job
Tom lives next door to Kate and wants his dog Pepper to be just like her dog Bailey. Bailey has his own yellow jacket, which means he can go everywhere, and not just any dog can get one!
But Tom discovers that Bailey is a very special dog.
Bailey is a Service Dog, and through Next Door’s Dog Has A Job, Tom learns exactly what that means, and just how special Bailey is.
Gina Dawson
Author Gina Dawson spent much of her teaching career presenting a
range of programs on growth and social issues in schools. She is a lifelong
lover of dogs, an experienced trainer and is cognizant of the disability
sector. Next Door’s Dog Has A Job was written as a result of observations
as to how children may inadvertently cause difficulties or stress to dogand-
person teams that they encounter. It aims to promote discussion and
understanding about the important role Service Dogs play within society,
the range of disabilities they assist with and the work they do.
- Social Media campaign
- Magazine and Blog reviews