Jagged Rocks of Wisdom—Negotiation
Mastering the Art of the Deal
There are numerous books in negotiation. This book is based in actual, real-world experience, and offers practical, usable advice. In addition, Lund offers new insights on old advice. He goes into detail, for example, on how appeasement can be used as a powerful tool: Lund explains how it was Hitler who appeased Chamberlain, not vice versa! Another example is Lund’s use of “The Salami” to explain “death by a thousand cuts” in negotiation. With more than a decade of experience in law practice at a national law firm, plus years coaching new attorneys, Lund’s no-nonsense advice on negotiation perfectly complements the advice in the first two Jagged Rocks of Wisdom books.
Morten Lund
Morten Lund is a partner in the Energy and Telecommunications group of Stoel Rives LLP, where his practice focuses on the development and finance of renewable energy projects. Previously, Lund was a partner at Foley & Lardner, LLP.
Born in Oslo, Norway, Lund is a graduate of Yale Law School.
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