Watch Where You Walk
Watch Where You Walk is a significant collection of Mary Kratt’s poetry.?Clean-lined, economical, pointed, and soulful, her work strikes to the heart of things immediately, then lingers with musical suggestion. This book of poems pulse with people, their loves and losses, dreams and failures, joys, pleasures, hardscrabble work, all told in compelling narratives. Kratt leads readers down paths and roads that are both scarred and sacred to a fine wholeness in this collection which also has a subtle and robust humor in all the right places.
Mary Kratt
Mary Kratt, a native of West Virginia, has lived most of her life in Charlotte, North Carolina. Her poems have appeared in numerous literary magazines and anthologies. She is a winner of the Brockman-Campbell Poetry Book Award, Oscar Arnold Young Poetry Book Award, Peace History Book Prize, St. Andrews Writer in Community Award, and the Irene Blair Honeycutt Legacy Award. Her nonfiction books feature the Piedmont region of the Carolinas. She taught English and American Studies at UNC-Charlotte and currently lives in Charlotte with her husband Jim.