Free (or Almost Free) Prescription Medications
Where and How to Get Them
"Free (or Almost Free) Prescription Medications: Where and How to Get Them" is a step-by-step guide to over 168 assistance programs offering thousands of prescription medicines for free (or almost free) to those who qualify. All of these programs require that you have no insurance that provides prescription coverage and that you are ineligible for state Medicaid. These programs have income guidelines, but only 13 of them require your income to be less than $715 per month for a single person. Most of the programs allow a monthly income between $1,079 and $3,210 for single persons. Each drug company program has its own listing that includes everything you need to know in order to apply for medications: .The name, address, and toll free phone number of each drug company,.Eligibility requirements,.Instructions on how to enroll in the program, .What your doctor will have to do,.What you will have to do,.Where the medication can (and cannot) be mailed,.The amount of medication you are eligib
David Johnson
David Johnson grew up in Michigan and now lives in the Pacific Northwest with his trusty sidekick Augie D. Dogg, two children, and two granddaughters. He earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration from Ferris State University in 1974, and he is currently working on his B.S. degree in Sociology. David says: We look around us and see things we feel or know should be changed. Our first thought is 'I am only one person. I cannot solve such a huge problem. What can I do?' David has shown that one person can do something and make a difference. What you do may not solve the entire problem, but it may solve a small piece of the problem.