The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Total Body Transformation

A step-by-step, gene reprogramming action plan

Primal Blueprint author Mark Sisson presents a fun, easy-to-follow, practical guidebook to help you get Primal in only 21 days. First, you'll learn eight Key Concepts that represent the most important day-to-day elements living Primally, then tackle five Action Items that will enable you to literally reprogram your genes toward a long, healthy, and energetic life. The Action Items are presented in a fun and life-transforming 21-Day Challenge, featuring daily diet, exercise, and lifestyle endeavors with corresponding journal exercises.

You'll transition out of the regimented, carb-dependent, fat-storing Standard American Diet (SAD), the chronic, overly-stressful exercise patterns recommended by Conventional Wisdom, and other health-compromising elements of hectic modern life. Instead, you'll smoothly implement the evolution-tested lifestyle behaviors of our hunter-gatherer ancestors to promote optimal gene expression.

Mark Sisson Mark is the one of the leading figures in the primal/paleo/ancestral health world, with his the most visited site in this category. Mark has followed the revolutionary bestseller, The Primal Blueprint, with six other books on primal living and eating. He is a former world-class endurance athlete (2:18 marathon, 4th place Hawaii Ironman), BA degree in biology (Williams College). Besides blogging daily and writing books, Mark hosts PrimalCon lifestyle retreats in North America

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