Overcoming Migraine
This new edition (with 50% more information) of this landmark guide explains and evaluates the full range of chemical, dietary, and alternative therapies for migraine headaches. The author, who was driven to become a migraine detective after eight months of daily headaches, provides a unique perspective on this common and often debilitating disorder, and offers the welcome news that migraines can be prevented. In a clear and comprehensible style, she points out how often the reactions are due to allergies, particularly to certain foods; she describes the factors that can trigger an attack (whether dietary, environmental, psychological, or hormonal), and discusses the available treatments and her own responses to them. Readers will welcome not just the author's comprehensive approach but her sympathetic point of view -- as well as the story of her own success.
Betsy Wyckoff Betsy Wyckoff has published a wide variety of books with Barrytown/Station Hill Press, including Overcoming Migraine, Talking Apes and Dancing Bees, and Indian Summer: A Native American View of Nature. She lives in New York City.