Vengeance is Mine
Vengeance is Mine
Caught in an international web of airline terrorism, Bill and Holly Chandler become the targets of opposing forces trying to acquire control of Litten Industries. The Chandlers are attempting to settle the estate of Bill’s boyhood friend, Ned Litten. Lee Koto, an Asian businessman, needs the company to complete his life’s obsession of vengeance against the United States. A renegade group of arms dealers covets the company for its economic value. The Chandlers must solve the mystery of Ned’s death and stay alive long enough to solve the cause of fully loaded airliners exploding in flight.
Walter Goff
Walter B. Goff II, D.O., FACR lives with his wife Sandra in San Diego, California. He is a retired United States Navy Captain. His first assignment was as General Medical Officer to the U S Marines 1st FSSG. Other Naval assignments included Bethesda (aka Walter Reed) Naval Medical Center, Charleston Naval Hospital, and the Naval Medical Center (aka Balboa) in San Diego. His awards include the National Defense medal, three Navy Commendation medals and a Meritorious Service Medal. He was Chairman, Radiology Department, Naval Medical Center, San Diego and Radiology Specialty Advisor to the Naval Surgeon General. Walter loves road trips and riding his Harley-Davidson Soft Tail Heritage Classic.
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