Kitchen Intuition
At times, even with a stack of great cookbooks and a folder of magazine clippings on the shelf, it’s hard to get your creative juices flowing in the kitchen. Here, for the first time, is a book dedicated to awakening your inner master chef and helping you become adventurous, creative, and empowered in the kitchen: Kitchen Intuition. Devyn Sisson, daughter of Primal Blueprint author Mark Sisson, has prepared this unique book that takes you beyond the logistics of good cooking and into the realm of intuition—cultivating a harmonious connection between mind, body, and food.
Sisson, a self-taught chef and self-declared foodie extraordinaire, teaches you how to cultivate a mindful approach to eating—getting acquainted with your body’s nutritional needs, your palate’s likes and dislikes, and the emotional elements that shape your cravings and deep satisfactions with meals. Sisson elegantly chronicles her personal journey of healing her body through healthful eating, and how you can build health, confidence, and self-esteem from intuitive cooking that transfers into all other areas of life.
Devyn Sisson of Malibu, California
Devyn Sisson is an author, artist, photographer, and culinary enthusiast from Malibu, CA. After graduating from the lauded New School in New York City with a design degree, she started to express her creativity with a deep immersion into the study of nutrition and cooking with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. The daughter of Primal Blueprint author Mark Sisson, Devyn has had a front row seat to witness the incredible growth of the Primal/Paleo movement. Her artistic flair and unique intuitive approach to cooking makes this book stand out among the dozens of primal/paleo cookbooks that have become popular in recent years.
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