Make Steady Money as a Travel Writer
Secrets of Selling Travel Stories-Without Traveling
Do you dream of being a travel writer but need or want to stay close to home? Make Steady Money as a Travel Writer is loaded with specific methods and ideas to generate a dependable and consistent income as a travel writer, and the best part-without spending money on travels abroad or far afield in the U.S. Read this book and discover ways to carve out a niche for yourself as a travel writer concentrating on service articles.Earn a secure flow of income.Write and sell travel articles without traveling!Develop a lucrative side line or even launch a career!Or if you are already a travel writer, spice up your repertoire of ideas, refresh your enthusiasm, and have more fun writing!
Jack Adler Jack Adler is a widely published travel writer/columnist with several books to his credit including The Consumer's Guide To Travel, Southern India, Exploring Historic California, Travel Safety (co-authored), and There's A Bullet Hole In Your Window. He teaches travel writing courses for UCLA Extension and the Writer's Digest School.
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