Stop the Islamization of America

A Practical Guide to the Resistance

Islamic supremacism is seeping into every aspect of American life. Islamic jihad groups aren't solely concentrating on terror attacks (although another one of those could come at any moment), but on the creeping encroachment to introduce Islamic law into this country, step-by-step and bit-by-bit, until finally America wakes up to a country transformed into an Islamic state. In Stop the Islamization of America, the renowned activist Pamela Geller lays bare the chilling details of the Muslim Brotherhood's strategy of steady subversion and erosion of our freedoms, while offering a practical guide for how to fight back. Written by an original thinker and innovative, tested, successful activist, Stop the Islamization of America is a much-needed wake-up call about a sinister, subversive agenda that could do nothing less than destroy the United States - with unique instructions about how we can, and must, fight back now to defend our nation and our civilization.

Pamela Geller

Pamela Geller is the founder, editor, and publisher of She is the executive director of Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), as well as the Freedom Defense Initiative (FDI), and is a regular columnist for the American Thinker, Human Events, and other publications. She is the author of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America.

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