Crushing the Collective

The Last Chance to Keep America Free and Self-Governing

Crushing the Collective illuminates the very real dangers of the socialistic mind-set that is currently threatening Americans’ freedoms and the very existence of our great nation. Veteran author  Charles Sasser explores the various collectivization philosophies, processes, and movements that have destroyed individual freedom in their drive toward the collective utopian state. In collectivist nations like Cuba, Russia, China, and North Korea the dependence came by tyrannical force. As a historian, Charles Sasser makes the case in Crushing the Collective that America is in the dependency stage and that we are witnessing and living through what can only be the political, cultural and economic decline of the United States and the fall of Western Civilization.

And yet though America has been cut to the core, the liberty tree has not yet collapsed. Crushing the Collective is in the end a powerful wake-up call for free people of character, conviction, and courage to stand up against the collective madness and together, restore America as the beacon of freedom it once was, and must be again.

Charles Sasser

Charles W. Sasser is a historian, journalist, photographer and author of more than sixty books and three thousand articles appearing in publications from Parents and Guideposts to Soldier of Fortune and WWII History. A twenty-nine-year veteran, Sasser served thirteen of those as a Green Beret. A former police officer, Sasser has taught history, creative writing, and criminal justice for nearly forty years. He was the director of criminal justice at American Christian College. Sasser lives outside of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

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