Out of the Mists
This collection of traditional stories gathered from all reaches of Scotland and passed down through generations, customs and traditions is a wonderful new look at well and not so well-known stories. Barrington cleverly intersperses these tales with follow-up historical stories to set the fables in context. It is a must-have for anyone interested in folklore and history.John Barrington John Barrington is a hill shepherd, living in Rob Roy MacGregor's old house in the heart of the Scottish Highlands. With his faithful companions, Barrington gives sheepdog demonstrations throughout the summer and keeps active over the long winter as a rugby referee. A noted sheep judge, he was delighted recently to be invited to officiate at the Royal Highland Show in Edinburgh. Like most shepherds, Barrington is a natural storyteller, a gift he excercises at schools, clubs and societies, and as an after dinner speaker. Stories are recounted on the move during daytime guided tours and twilight ghost walks, and as a commentator at a dozen or so Highland Games each year. Stories told to enliven his whisky tasting sessions are always presented in the right spirit! Red Sky at Night, his first book and a UK bestseller, won him a Scottish Arts Council Book Award. His Fourth book, Of Dogs & Men, is due to be published soon.