(Un)comfortably numb
Maureen Maguire Maureen Maguire was born and bred in Glasgow. She obtained her honours degree in Russian and Modern History at Glasgow University in 1971. She subsequently went on to take a teaching diploma at Jordanhill College of Education in Glasgow in 1972 and then PhD research in Modern History at Glasgow University and received her degree in 1994. In between these qualifications she travelled widely and worked all over the world: Lebanon, Singapore, New York and Germany, as a teacher of history and English, and has spent a lot of time involved in voluntary youth work. Previously published in academic journals, this is her first book. She started researching suicide in women's prisons in 1997. She speaks 5 languages, is married with 2 teenage children and is now working as a freelance translator for business, technical and internet companies.
- Told in documentary form, this is the story of the tragedy of Yvonne Gilmour's death in Cornton Vale prison.
- Yvonne was one of 8 inmates to take their own lives in a short period of time at the prison and her story is representative of many women in prison