The Honey-Do Survival Guide
The Honey-Do Survival Guide idea originated during a performance standards focus group with employees from Honeywell, Intel, HP and several others when one of the participants sugested that the authors consider doing a course to "develope spouse standards." Another participant said, It would cut down on the grief we get from our wives if you did. With that, the group erupted into applause and high fives. Although the group consisted mostly of men, the few women in attendance chimed in, echoing their support of the concept. Hence, The Honey-Do Survival Guide was born.The book, based on a focus group of couples determined functions, tasks and performance indicators related to home and family.The Honey-Do Survival Guide is written to cut down on grief and frustrations between spouses and also with kids when asked to clean up their rooms, as well as other househod chores.The book outlines steps to follow and a standards to perform so that a spouse can stop muttering, "I should have done itSue Mackey The author's are business partners in the Mackey Group which specializes in the development of performance and skill based standards products and curriculum for over 75 occupations and positions from janitor to CEO. They are known nationally for the work they do in the public and private sectors.
Laura Tonkin